
2014年07月28日10:18  人民网 收藏本文
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  人民网7月28日电 国家档案局网站今天发布第26名日本战犯原弘志的罪行笔供。笔供显示,原弘志曾对千余被日军抓获的抗日军民进行“虐杀、伤害、放火、破坏、拷问(灌凉水、洋油、抱重石、用火筷烫身)等惨无人道的暴行”。





  笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)

  Hiroshi Hara(原弘志)

  According to the written confession of Hiroshi Hara in June 1954, he was born in Okayama Prefecture, Japan in 1895. In March 1933, he went to northeast China to take part in the War of Aggression against China, serving successively as guard division chief of Inspection Department, and major general and chief of staff of the Railway Security Police Forces of the “Manchukuo”. He was arrested in September 1945.

  Major offences:

  19 May 1937: “ordered my subordinate Company to search civilian houses in Tangyuan City and cross-examined the Chinese people there. One of my soldiers shot a Chinese (boy), seriously wounding his head, which was determined to be the cause of his death”;

  After July 1943:as a member of Southwest Defense Committee, took part in the decision of the suppression meeting in Rehe area of mobilizing all suppression forces to assault, arrest and suppress the Eighth Route Army and peaceful Chinese people; in September and October alone, “during the two large-scale assaults”, “arrested about 1,000 anti-Japanese operators and anti-Japanese people across Rehe Province, 500 of them were sent after interrogation to Chengde Branch of Jinzhou High Procuratorate”;“when arresting and interrogating these people, ghastly atrocities were committed on peaceful Chinese people, such as killing, wounding, burning, destroying and torturing (bloating water or kerosene oil into the stomach, carrying heavy stones and scalding with fire-tongs)”。


文章关键词: 战犯 日本战犯

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